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Tabogon Cebu Beaches and Destinations

Tabogon is a small town located north-east part of Cebu, it is around 3 and half hour travel from Cebu City and is around 75 kilometers away. It is the town next to Sogod and Borbon.

The Origin of the name “Tabogon”

Tabogon derived from the archaic Visayan word, “tabog”, which means “busy”. In reference to the bustling and busy farm fields that dotted this place during the olden times, hence, tabogon – a busy workplace or any place that is busy with work.

Check this out, when in Tabogon!

Guiwanon Cold Spring Tabogon

A cold spring to relax with family and friends

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Renmarl Emmary Beach & Resort Tabogon

A clean and nice beach to stay for vacation

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Pasaol Beach resort Tabogon

Best place to relax and unwind from the busy life.

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Sea Turtle Lagoon Tabogon

A perfect place for a family vacation and friends to hangout

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Bunzie’s Cove 2 Tabogon

A "Home" away from home. A backdrop of a simple and solace living. Digital detox, an escape to urban lifestyle.

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